Our latest Talon feature, incident reporting, allows drivers to proactively and effectively report an incident while out on road, which can be done at any time throughout their journey; including post-trip questionnaires.
An incident is classified as anything from a physical injury, to
a damaged trailer and/or a dispute with a customer.
This feature empowers drivers to fully inform management of incidents throughout their shifts, and also assists with meeting WH&S and compliance requirements.
Using our web-based software, Hawk-Eye, businesses can create their own list of questions to be used in the incident reports, and will include the date, time, GPS location, comments and photos can be attached.
Every reported incident from Talon can be reviewed and assessed in Hawk-Eye.
Incidents will trigger email alerts and notifications in
Hawk-Eye and they are also made available in our exception
reporting, heat maps, and our performance dashboards.
If you would like to learn more about incident reporting and our other compliance solutions, please visit https://mtdata.com.au/solution/driver-safety-compliance/.
Contact us for a no-obligation demo, so you can see why industry leaders use our telematics solutions, on 1300 683 282 or enquiries@mtdata.com.au.